Parliament Hill Computers LtdParliament Hill Computers Ltd

Generate a CSR

Certificate Signing Requests

These will be generated in the directory CertificateSigningRequests/

You first need to have created a SSL configuration, eg my-family.cnf

Note the earlier comment about needing a capable shell: use ksh or bash

Create the request

Use su to become the user rsa

Run CreateSigningRequests, eg:

      # su rsa -c 'bin/CreateSigningRequests my-family'

If you wish you can look at the request:

      $ openssl req -noout -text -in CertificateSigningRequests/my-family.csr

Test the request

What you are really testing is that Apache is correctly configured so that Let's Encrypt can ascertain that it should sign the request.

Run CheckSiteAccess, eg:

      # su rsa -c 'bin/CheckSiteAccess my-family'

If this does not work — fix your Apache configuration. Did you restart Apache ?

Get Let's Encrypt to process the Signing Request

It should work since you just tested that the location /.well-known/acme-challenge/ is visible

Use su to become the user acme

Run GetSignedCertificate, eg:

      # su acme -c 'bin/GetSignedCertificate my-family'

If you wish you can look at the certificate:

      $ openssl x509 -in SignedCertificates/my-family.crt -text -noout

Two important fields are the dates, you don't want to use an expired certificate:

      $ openssl x509 -in SignedCertificates/my-family.crt -text -noout | grep 'Not '

Also check the sites that it is valid for::

      $ openssl x509 -in SignedCertificates/my-family.crt -text -noout | sed -e '/DNS/!d' -e 's/, DNS:/\n/g' -e 's/^ \+DNS://'

This gives nice output:

      $ nmap --script ssl-cert -p 443

Next page: Second edit of Apache configuration to install certificates

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If you want any help using the above, or have any comments or suggestions, please contact us.