Parliament Hill Computers LtdParliament Hill Computers Ltd

RPM Repository for CentOS 7, CentOS 8 & Rocky Linux


The packages are an eclectic mix of programs that I have found useful enough to install on several machines. What is here should also install on RedHat Enterprise 6 & RedHat Enterprise 7.

To see what there is list of contents for CentOS 7 and for CentOS 8 and Rocky Linux. The CentOS 4, CentOS 5 & CentOS 6 repositories have been removed.

There is an announce mail list for this software that you may wish to subscribe to. You might wish to peruse The Software-announce Archives. This list is moderated and it is highly unlikely that subscriber postings will be approved.

How to use it

You can access the repo either by using Yum or Rsync (probably in combination with createrepo). The instructions below are written for CentOS 8, to use with CentOS 7 change '8' for '7' .

Using dnf

You need to:

  1. create the file /etc/yum.repos.d/phcl.repo with the contents:

        # Parliament Hill Computers Ltd - CentOS repository
        name=PHCL for CentOS-$releasever

    Where this talks about CentOS 8 you can also use with Rocky Linux.

  2. Clean out the dnf cache (recommended):

        dnf clean all
  3. Install packages with:
        dnf install package-name

Using Rsync

You can browse the repository with rsync like this:

    rsync rsync://

Once you have found what you want download a specific RPM with something like:

    rsync rsync:// .

Using createrepo

Createrepo is a way of maintaining an RPM repository.

You will already have downloaded the repository, eg with rsync as above

Install the packages:

    dnf install yum-utils createrepo

Build the repository mirror with:

    createrepo -v /var/www/Software/centos8-x86_64/RPMS.phcl

Then follow the Using Dnf instructions above, but change the baseurl to point to your server.

An earlier version of this page recommended using mrepo from Dag Wieers is now deprecated.