Source code in Qf2Valid.php

To see how this is used return to this tutorial index.

    // This generates a simple quickform that validates form data, both client and server side.
    // You should look at QfSimple.php before you try to understand this file.

    // Copyright (c) 2009, Parliament Hill Computers ( Author: Alain D D Williams (
    // You may used this file as the basis your own (or organisation's/company's) project (under whatever
    // licence that you see fit), but may not claim ownership or copyright of the substantially unmodified file.
    // This file is made available in the hope that it is useful, there is no warranty at all, use at your own risk.
    // SCCS: @(#)Qf2Valid.php	1.4 10/21/13 15:08:34

<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">
    <title>Quickform Demo</title>
    <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/DefaultStyle.css">
    <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="Qf2Style.css">

  <!-- A standard page header -->
  <div style='position : absolute;text-align: left;top:10px;'>
   <a href='/'><img src='/Images/kite_40_83_trans.gif' width="40" height="83" alt="Parliament Hill Computers Ltd" style="border-width: 0;"></a>
  <div style='top:0px;margin:0px auto;text-align: center; font-size:40pt; '>
   Simple Quickform
    // Check that the title is valid.
    // Don't want 0 since that is the one that asks for the title to be selected
    function CheckTitle($t)
        global $Titles;
        return $t > 0 && isset($Titles[$t]);

    // Check that the first name is one of an approved list, callback function used in FirstName:
    function checkFNfunc($name)
	$OKlist = array('John', 'Bill');	// A very simple approved list
	return strcmp(array_search($name, $OKlist), '');

    require_once "HTML/QuickForm2.php";

    // Create a GET form with the name QfDemo:
    $form = new HTML_QuickForm2('QfDemo', 'get');

    // addElement() adds a display line or an input field to the form.
    // The first argument is a standard html type (text, checkbox, hidden, ...) or a custom
    // type (header, group, ...). Other arguments depend on the type.
    // $form->addElement('header', 'DemoHeader', 'Quickform Demo');
    $form->addElement('hidden', 'DemoHeader')->setValue('Quickform Demo');
    // Another way of doing this:
    // $form->addElement('hidden', 'DemoHeader', array('value' =>'Quickform Demo'));

    // When the form has been filled in, trim spaces from all fields:

    // Add a drop down select list:
    $Titles = array('Please select', 'Mr', 'Mrs', 'Miss', 'Dr');
    // $form->addElement('select', 'Title', 'Title', $Titles);
    $title = $form->addElement('select', 'Title', null, array('label' => 'Title', 'options' => $Titles));
    $title->addRule('required', 'A title must be set');
    $title->addRule('regex', 'A title must be from the list', '/^\d+$/');    // numeric
    $title->addRule('callback', 'A title must be from the list', 'CheckTitle');

    // Add a text field, the form element name is 'FirstName' with a title 'First name'
    // $form->addElement('text', 'FirstName', 'First name');
    $first = $form->addElement('text', 'FirstName', null, array('label' => 'First name'));
    // $form->addRule('FirstName', 'First name is required', 'required', null, 'client');
    $first->addRule('required', 'First name is required');

    // The rule checkfn is to be implemented by calling checkFNfunc(), we apply that
    // to the FirstName field - this is a server side only check
    // $form->registerRule('checkfn', 'callback', 'checkFNfunc');
    // $form->addRule('FirstName', 'First name is not in approved list', 'checkfn');
    $first->addRule('callback', 'First name is not in approved list', 'checkFNfunc');

    // A client side check is made that LastName has been given a value.
    // All client side checks are repeated server side -- it is not safe to rely on client only checks
    // $form->addElement('text', 'LastName', 'Last name');
    $last = $form->addElement('text', 'LastName', null, array('label' => 'Last name'));
    // $form->addRule('LastName', 'Last name is required', 'required', null, 'client');
    $last->addRule('required', 'Last name is required');

    // Age is required (must be filled in) and must be numeric.
    // Specify the size - people don't get very old!
    // $form->addElement('text', 'Age', 'Age');
    // $form->addRule('Age', 'Age is required', 'required');
    // $form->addRule('Age', 'Age must be numeric', 'numeric', null, 'client');
    $age = $form->addElement('text', 'Age', array('maxlength' => 3, 'size' => 3), array('label' => 'Age'));
    $age->addRule('required', 'Age is required');
    $age->addRule('regex', 'Age must be numeric', '/^\d+$/');

    // Telephone number is checked with a regular expression, but is not required:
    // $form->addElement('text', 'Telephone', 'Telephone number');
    // $form->addRule('Telephone', 'The phone number must start with 0, or international ones with +',
    //         'regex', '/^[0+]/', 'client');
    $phone = $form->addElement('text', 'Telephone', null, array('label' => 'Telephone number'));
    $phone->addRule('regex', 'The phone number must start with 0, or international ones with +',

    // Standard buttons (no break space label to get alignment):
    // $form->addElement('reset', 'Clear', 'Clear');
    // $form->addElement('submit', 'Submit', 'Submit');
    $form->addElement('reset', 'Clear');
    $form->addElement('submit', 'Submit', array('value' => 'Press to Submit'));

    // First time round this results in false, remember that, as is common in php, this
    // script is used both to generate the form and to process the results.
    if ($form->validate()) {
        # Get here when the form has been filled in and validation checks passed
        // $form->freeze();	// If we want the form redisplayed in the way that the user entered it
				// but you need to do another display()
        $res = $form->getValue();
	echo "Title = " . htmlspecialchars($res['Title']) . " = '" . $Titles[$res['Title']] . "'<br>\n";
	echo "FirstName = " . htmlspecialchars($res['FirstName']) . "<br>\n";
	echo "LastName = " . htmlspecialchars($res['LastName']) . "<br>\n";
	echo "Age = " . htmlspecialchars($res['Age']) . "<br>\n";
	echo "Telephone = " . htmlspecialchars($res['Telephone']) . "<br>\n";
    } else {
        // $form->setDefaults(array('FirstName'=>'John', 'LastName'=>'Bloggs')); // only does something with empty form
        $form->addDataSource(new HTML_QuickForm2_DataSource_Array(
            array('FirstName'=>'John', 'LastName'=>'Bloggs'))); // only does something with empty form

	echo $form;

  <p class="notes">
   This is a simple form, fill in some values and press <i>Submit</i>.
   There is some validation on this form:
   <li> Firstname: it must have a value; server side: the value 'Bill' or 'John'
   <li> Lastname: it must have a value
   <li> Age: it must have a value and be numeric
   <li> Telephone: it must start '0' or '+'

  <p style="font-size: x-large; font-weight: bold;">
   Return to this <em><a href='index.php'>tutorial index</a></em>.

Return to this tutorial index.