What is this about ? ******************** This is a script to write a backup to a tape. This may be run from cron as a one liner. One of a great family of these things. Installation ************ Copy the file TapeBackup to /usr/local/bin and make it executable. Note that this script uses the Korn Shell (ksh), you may need to install this on your machine. Logging ******* A log is written in /var/log/tapebackups/. Options ******* -a prog Archive program, this may be either tar or cpio. The default is tar. -C dev tape Control device, default /dev/st0 -d dirs space separated list of directories to back up, eg: -d '/home /root /etc/' It is OK if some of the expanded names contain spaces. -I Incrememtal backup since last complete tape backup. The file /arch//FullTapeBackup is touched with the time of the file RsyncBackupSuccessTime. The file RsyncBackupSuccessTime is touched by RsyncBackup with the start time of it's backup. An incremental backup is for files newer than FullTapeBackup. -l label label is a comment/identification string that will be put near the start of the tape label and also used in the log file and messages relating to this backup. -L Show the tape tabel that would be written to the tape, that is all. -m cross Mount points, default is to not back up mounted file systems below directories listed -M MailAddresses Mail addresses to where an indication of success/failure will be sent, appended by the contents of the log file. If there is more than one address, separate by commas, surround the whole lot in quotes if they contain spaces. -N dev tape device (no rewind on close), default /dev/nst0 -o Copy output to the current stderr as well as something in /var/log/tapebackups/. -t If the tape becomes full - prompt for a new one. This option should only be specified if this is run interactively, ie don't give this in a cron job. -T dev tape device (rewind on close), default /dev/st0 -U don't Unload (eject) the tape at end (default is to do so) -v Tar verbose option -x --help eXplain -- give a help message. Restoring from tape ******************* The log file and tape label contain simple instructions on how to restore from the tape. License ******* This software is copyright (c) Alain Williams , 2006, 2008. This software is released under the GPLv3, see: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html Keeping up to date ****************** You may find newer versions of this software at: http://www.phcomp.co.uk/downloads.php Where you will also find references to email lists that relate to this software. Contributing ************ TapeBackup is free software (see the license). Free software grows and becomes more powerful and useful as those who gain by using it contribute their changes back to the original author. Contributions to this software are welcome. Please email the author the following: * your name & email address * your affiliation (company/institute/...) if any * the code * documentation * a statement that you are legally able to release the code and documentation * a statement transfering copyright to the Author below giving permission that it may be redistributed as part of UserAdmin under an appropriate license Contributions will be acknowledged in the Contributors file that accompanies this software. If you do not want to be acknowledged please make that clear. The author will be pleased to receive your comments, good or bad. SCCS: @(#)README 1.6 07/28/10 16:25:23